Toll Bar Primary School

Together we shine bright and reach high! We are Toll Bar!

For latest Ofsted reportPlease click here

Here are just a few photos from the Year 5/6 residential trip to Walesby Forest!

Pupil Achievements

Take a look at some of our achievements by clicking on the link above

Welcome to our School

Welcome to our wonderful school. Toll Bar Primary welcomes everyone from all walks of life and strives to make a positive contribution to our local community and beyond. We aim for the very highest standards of education and are determined that every single pupil in our school reaches their potential.

Together we shine bright and reach high!

We are Toll Bar!

We highly value determination, resilience, collaboration and respect for each other. Together we know we can and do achieve amazing things. Our school has incredible diversity and cultural heritage and we celebrate all that’s positive. Our ambition is that pupils leave our school fully prepared with the skills, knowledge and understanding for the next phase in their education ready to become a Local Global Citizen and make a difference to the world around them and beyond!!

Our school is open 8.30am - 3.00pm Monday to Friday.  Registration is at 8.45am

School Contact Details

Please note: incoming & outgoing calls are recorded for quality and monitoring purposes.

Please contact us if you have any queries, questions or concerns.  

  • Telephone:                                                     01302 874324
  • Text (text only service):                                07786 208889
  • Email (general enquiries):                  
  • Email (absences, attendance queries):

The school office staff are Miss Kelly, Mrs Milner and Mrs Ginnever who are able to help anyone with any queries 

Should you need to contact your child's teacher please email them on:-

FOR NURSERY (ASH)            



FOR YEAR 2 (OAK)                

FOR YEAR 3 (CEDAR)            

FOR YEAR 4 (ELM)                 

FOR YEAR 5 (WILLOW)         


SENDCO (Mrs O'Connor)     

Please note that emails will only be answered from 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.  These email addresses can also be found on your class page.

Parent Information

School admission forms  for a September 2024 start are now open for:

Nursery (DOB 01/09/20 - 31/08/21) - closing date 02/10/23, applications completed after this date will still be processed but will be processed late.

Secondary school Y7 place - closing date 31/10/23.  Applications completed after this date will still be processed but will be processed late. Offer date 01/03/24.

Primary applications (going into full time school from F1 to F2) - closing date 15/01/24.  Applications completed after this date will still be processed but will be processed late. Offer date 16/04/24.

Should you need a hand completing the online forms, please speak to our office staff.

Lots of useful information can be found under our parent Information tab.  Please see below for quick access links for some of our more popular pages.

School Admissions for Nursery and Primary applications (also includes information regarding Secondary applications too)

Term dates/School holiday patterns

School Dinners including up to date menu's

Attendance Information

Year 6 transition


Family Hub Information and half term activities (when applicable)

Parent and Community Health and Well Being Information

Latest School Calendar Events

Half Term24Jul2024

8:30 am - 31 aug, 9:30 am

Calendars page(s): School Calendar >>

Latest News

Further Articles »

Reading scheme used in school

The reading scheme we use in school is called Read Write Inc. 

This literacy programme was developed by Ruth Miskin, published by Oxford University Press and is taught in over 5000 schools throughout the United Kingdom.

Our pupils will focus on learning sounds and the letters that represent them, along with learning how to form the letters. The books that are then read are written using only the letters the pupils have learnt (along with a few separately taught ‘tricky words’) which will help when building up confidence in reading.

For more information - Please click on the link below

Read Write Inc - A Guide for Parents

Mental Health and Well Being

Our mental health and well being is very important for us. Should you need any help and advice from places such as Citizens Advice, Camhs, Early Help then useful contact information can be found in our 'Parent Hub' tab or by clicking the Following link:

Community Information

Doncaster Local Offer - Latest Update

The Doncaster Local Offer has recently been updated to include a graduated approach system to help support pupils, parents and school staff. You can view the updated local offer by following the link below or by accessing the information on our SEND page (under the 'About Us' tab).

School updated SEND offer

You can also find out more about these updates by visiting the Doncaster Council website

Online Safety/Safer Schools App

Download the Safer Schools app to increase understanding of what your children are doing online and how to help keep them safe - go to the App Store for your device, search SAFER SCHOOLS, search for our school name and enter the number: 7440!

Further Information can be found on our 'Online Safety' tab or by clicking here


Click on the link below for FREE tips and advice on keeping children safe online

Are you worried about the way someone has been communicating with you online or need to report something?

You can either click on the CEOP logo or on the link below:

 Further information can be found at:

Do you need to report something to the police or local PCSOs?

If you require a paper copy of information on the website, please ask the office and it will be provided free of charge.

Please see below for links to resources/apps currently used in school for Foundation and KS1 children (Year 1 and Year 2)

For limited periods these apps are often free but please check prior to download if any charges do apply.  These are always offered for free on a PC

For Foundation and KS1 children (Year 1 and Year 2)

Teach your Monster to Read

Teach your monster to read - computer version (always free)

Link to download to apple devices (Free at limited times of the year)

Link to download to Android devices (free at limited times of the year)

Link to Amazon - Free for a limited time only!

Teach your Monster Number Skills

Teach your monster number skills - Computer version (always free)

Link to download to Apple devices (free at limited times of the year)

Link to download to Android devices (free at limited times of the year)

Link to Amazon - (free for a limited time only)



Please take a look at the links below to see how these changes will affect you and your child(ren).  Changes will be implemented from 19/08/24.

Latest Newsletters

Latest Newsletters

Events in the community and half term activities

Any upcoming activities or events happening within the community which we have been notified of can be found by following the below link.  This also includes HALF TERM ACTIVITIES.


Online safety

To provide support to parents/carers about online safety, we will be providing regular updates via email which will include useful advice and guidance. This information, can also be found on our online safety page of this website - please take a look! (Online Safety/Remote Learning) 

Online safety Courses for parents

Please take a look at our online safety courses for parents provided by National Online Safety

Latest News

Further Articles »

Latest Newsletters

NEW - Healthier Together Website

On the new South Yorkshire NHS website families and young people will find advice on what 'red-flag' signs to look out for, where to seek help if required, what to do to keep an unwell child comfortable and how long symptoms should last, for a wide range of health conditions, including rashes, coughs, asthma, bronchiolitis, fever and many others.

Healthier Together was launched to provide families, children and young people across South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw with consistent and high-quality advice from local health and care professionals.

The website will help families become aware of the common winter illnesses and as a result give them the necessary information to make the right decisions.

HT letter to parents